Chris Honore: Trump: ‘This election is rigged’
By now you have heard Donald Trump riffing to anyone who will listen that if he loses the coming election, well, it’s because the outcome was “rigged.” On occasion he uses the word “stolen.” He accuses...
View ArticleChris Honore:
So this long and arduous presidential campaign is nearing the end. Finally. I have often felt I’ve had to suspend my disbelief as week after week we’ve found ourselves in the weeds of “deportation...
View ArticleChris Honore: Issues that didn’t make the cut
October was filled with surprises that kept the press flush with material and the two presidential campaigns running out of fingers to point at each other. It’s all been head-shaking remarkable.But...
View ArticleChris Honore: Our national ‘perfect storm’
Regarding the outcome of the presidential election, it still remains a puzzle that continues to nag and perplex and likely creates for some a sense of political vertigo.What happened? How could the...
View ArticleChris Honore: The basket of deplorables
Back in September, Hillary Clinton, giving a speech at a fundraising gala event in New York City, said the following: “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s...
View ArticleInner Peace: It's not easy to keep peaceful in a political season
Politics! You’ve probably noticed lately that during this presidential election season we are cheering or jeering one candidate or the other. We choose sides and it may seem ridiculous but it looks...
View ArticleInner Peace: My core philosophy? I don't know
“There is no hole in the bottom of the universe out of which you can fall.” I am alive. Someday I will be dead. I am not going to speculate on what happens after I die. I don’t know.If there is a life...
View ArticleInner Peace: Trying to figure everything out? Surrender!
In growing up in our wonderful Western world, we are taught that when we have a problem or challenge to try and figure out a solution and take action to remedy the situation. Our society is built on...
View ArticleInner Peace: Celtic evensong a solace for the soul
Church is not the first place most people go to today to find inner peace. They might go to be inspired by the sermon, a personal witness, or outstanding musical performance, but I seldom hear people...
View ArticleOn Peace Day, Sept. 21, choose an ego-free day
The International Day of Peace, sometimes unofficially known as World Peace Day, is observed annually on Sept. 21. It is dedicated to world peace, and specifically the absence of war and violence, such...
View ArticleA peace troubadour recalls surviving 9/11
I was in the heart of downtown NYC on the morning of 9/11.Leaving the building I was in at 9:05 a.m., I saw the first building of the World Trade Center on fire. Almost immediately, the second building...
View ArticleInner Peace: Connecting with a dark soul to share inner peace
He was tall, wearing all black with hair to match. I noticed him when I entered the temporary homeless shelter Christmas Eve. The man in black stood motionless, leaning on the doorway entrance from the...
View ArticleInner Peace: Remembering a special wedding during Pride Week
One week and one day after a gunman unleashed his fear-based fury at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, I spent the morning with two gay men and their families at their wedding rehearsal. The first...
View ArticleFind peace from a place of presence
If you are not at peace in your intimate relationship, then your life will not be at peace. To gain some insight here, let’s step back and consider the typical stages of intimate relationships.The...
View ArticlePath to enlightenment can change your life
As a very young man, I remember hearing about “enlightenment.” The Buddhists talked about the Buddha being enlightened and that that was the ultimate goal in life. When you were enlightened you were...
View ArticleInner Peace: Our Halloween identity: Goblin, ghoul — or angel?
At Halloween we can have fun exploring our various inner “creature features” and play "let’s pretend" for one night. Many of us wonder at some point during our lives who we really are. Some question...
View ArticleInner Peace: The gap — Habitual peace or stillness
William James in his essay on habits says quite correctly that our daily habits can be allies or enemies. He elaborates further and says that if we want healthy bodies then we must exercise regularly...
View ArticleInner Peace: Life lessons help in dealing with overwhelming grief
As a man who grew up in the '60s, I have always been interested in learning to develop more control over my internal states, my emotions, my reactions to events and over the body of thoughts that often...
View ArticleEscape from the post-election shame-blame game
As a published author and expert on shame, the presidential election left me reeling. After witnessing a shame-slinging campaign, my candidate lost, so I am tempted to throw shame around too. I have...
View ArticleInner Peace: Creating a peaceful world
Creating a peaceful world begins with each of us. To enhance this idea requires knowledge of one’s True Self and one’s natural contribution towards world peace.Socrates express the idea that an...
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