Jeffrey Gillespie: A season in hell
Last week in this column, the specter of the Brexit (the now infamous departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union) was portrayed as a remote possibility, supported only by a small...
View ArticleJeffrey Gillespie: An epidemic of denial
Another black man was murdered by white police officers early Tuesday, and his name was Alton Sterling. Just as Americans were trying to come to terms with this latest incident of police brutality,...
View ArticleJeffrey Gillespie: Failure to launch
My, my, the incredulity of liberals of a certain age when confronted by the peculiar and persistent fact that the kids are still for Bernie.How could it be so? What possible logic is there for such an...
View ArticleJeffrey Gillespie: Mein Trumpf
During the past couple of days, I have sat through hour upon hour of speeches at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, so that you, dear reader, didn't have to.I'm trying hard to blame this...
View ArticleJeffrey Gillespie: No sense in Pence
With all the chitchat on the internet and elsewhere regarding the ghoulish hilarity of a possible Trump presidency, one of the ideas consistently making the rounds is the suggestion that Trump is too...
View ArticleJeffrey Gillespie: Blinded by the white
A recent letter in the Tidings from Ashland resident James Adams gave me pause. Adams is irritated by the fact that OSF has stated in a recent open letter that racist incidents are "happening daily in...
View ArticleJeffrey Gillespie: Citizen Kaine
With Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump at the forefront of the silly season in 2016, it’s not at all surprising that there has not been much oxygen left in the room for their vice presidential picks....
View ArticleJeffrey Gillespie: The Manafort conundrum
Just when you thought the Donald Trump campaign couldn’t get any weirder, his campaign chairman, the opaque but charismatic Paul Manafort, has become embroiled in a political intrigue the likes of...
View ArticleJeffrey Gillespie: Wilder at heart
If I were to tell you that Bertolt Brecht, that scion of 20th century epic theater, was a significant contributor to some of the best of Borscht Belt-style slapstick comedy during the latter part of...
View ArticleJeffrey Gillespie: The problem with Saint Teresa
It’s tricky, even in this day and age, to go after a figure so universally revered and wholly worshiped as the newly sainted Mother Teresa of Calcutta.So beatific is she in the eyes of guilty...
View ArticleWaiting for the 47 percent moment
In early fall 2012, Mitt Romney spoke at a fundraiser that he assumed was closed to the press. But his comments, intended only for the well-heeled Republican audience, were recorded.“There are 47...
View ArticleChris Honoré: Confronting a moral intersection
As I watch the riptides and currents gripping the Republican Party, I conclude that for the men and women of the GOP, this is a moral intersection. Each of them will look back and remember where they...
View ArticleChris Honoré: When will Congress say ‘Enough!’?
Already it seems a distant memory, but for those at its epicenter, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, in Newtown, Conn., will forever remain all too real. The loss is still more than many can...
View ArticleChris Honoré: Congress, gun policy and the CDC
As appalling as the mass shootings of the last two decades have been — Orlando, San Bernardino, Charleston, Newtown and so many more that have slipped out of memory and into our bleak national history...
View ArticleChris Honoré: Bernie Sanders' last windmill
Since Bernie Sanders first stepped forward and announced his candidacy for POTUS I’ve followed his campaign with more than a passing interest. It’s like he walked out of the tall corn in “A Field of...
View ArticleChris Honoré: Elie Wiesel 1928-2016
During this political season, there is a thread that runs through our presidential election and it involves those very personal qualities of character and values. Unlike so many elections in the past,...
View ArticleChris Honoré: Not in their self-interest
As President Obama’s final term in office draws to a close, I often find myself wondering how he feels about his two terms as our president.Recall that he inherited a train wreck of an economy, created...
View ArticleChris Honoré: The Republican platform, 2016
As I write this, the Republican convention awaits Donald Trump’s speech wherein he will accept his party’s nomination. His address will attempt to create cohesion for a fractured party marred by chaos...
View ArticleChris Honoré: Democrats — the party of Lincoln
In a column regarding the Republican platform I stated that the GOP is now no longer the party of Lincoln or Eisenhower, but the party of Goldwater and Nixon.After watching the Democratic convention...
View ArticleChris Honoré: Few profiles in courage
To say that the Republicans in their support of Donald Trump have entered into a Faustian bargain may be a bit hyperbolic, but I confess it feels like that.Over just the past several weeks they have...
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