Inner Peace: Wired — or, life on Facebook
I have lived in Oregon for 15 years now, leaving behind, in New Jersey, lots of relatives: two sisters- in-law, their eight children, all married with three or four kids per family. Those "kids" are...
View ArticleInner Peace: Getting grounded at North Mountain Park
I gotta get over there now! I haven’t been over there yet today and I am usually there by 7:30 a.m. every day. It is 11 o’clock. Too much time on the computer. The Internet has one thing after another...
View ArticleInner Peace: Remembering to remember the One
“And give thanks to the One … to the One.”— Rod StewartAll the great traditions in the world are monotheistic — in other words, subscribe to one God, one Spirit, one Power, one Source. In this belief...
View ArticleWhy we sing for peace (part II)
The Rogue Valley Peace Choir members invite you to attend a free concert this Sunday, May 22. Below, several members share the reasons they sing for peace. For me, peace is stronger than war because it...
View ArticleBe an activist: Searching for common ground
Peaceful relationships of any kind can develop based on what we have in common. This holds true whether we are talking about personal relationships or world peace. There is an abundance of common...
View ArticleInner Peace: God in the thunder
Twenty years ago my husband Bill, my mother and I were on vacation in Kauai. We had visited Princeville before and were always delighted with this small, beautiful island town. We loved the softness of...
View ArticleInner Peace: On navigating life’s journey with Alzheimer's
Hearing the Alzheimer’s diagnosis was a shock — one I’m still trying to assimilate. It’s like living under the sword of Damocles, not knowing how long it will be before, or when, my memory will fade...
View ArticleInner Peace: Remembering joy is infectious, and putting it to use
What do you think is the most popular category for re-pins on Pinterest and for responses and shares on Facebook? Inspirational sayings, right? Part of it is a reflection of economic realities. Having...
View ArticleInner Peace: Joy is infectious (Part I)
What do you think is the most popular category for re-pins on Pinterest and for responses and shares on Facebook? Inspirational sayings, right? Part of it is a reflection of economic realities. Having...
View ArticleInner Peace: Joy is infectious (Part 2)
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness: More than 200 years ago, Americans knew what they needed. In my life, I make time for planned joy every week. And then there is the joy that comes to me like...
View ArticleInner Peace: Life as a psychedelic experience
"Psychedelic." From the Greek "dēlos," meaning "clear" or "manifest," and the term "psyche," "psychedelic" means "mind manifesting." Although it's a word that commonly summons thoughts of...
View ArticleInner Peace: Why aren't my prayers answered?
Why aren't my prayers answered?This is such a common question for people of all faiths and traditions. But a lot of people are afraid to ask their spiritual leader, "Why?" When spiritual leaders are...
View ArticleInner Peace: To whom do we pray?
Here are four possibilities: 1) There is no god, no spirit, just a mechanistic universe that is open to scientific thought. 2) There is a benevolent god who takes an interest in what we do and think....
View ArticleInner Peace: Quieting the mind produces peace
I recently completed a 21-day, guided meditation provided by Deepak Chopra and the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN). As I opened my eyes on the last day, I felt empty, almost let down. I asked myself:...
View ArticleInner Peace: Eternal life exists in pure consiousness
The prospect of eternal life is a very attractive one. Especially when it is combined with the idea of living in a peaceful, blissful state with endless beauty and all the material items one could...
View ArticleInner Peace: Peace beckons from beyond the grave
Florida captured a part of my heart during childhood when, as a family, we would drive straight through from Kansas City to Wildwood, Florida, Mom's childhood home. Every summer we would venture that...
View ArticleChristians and Muslims join in peace making
Have you ever watched the DVD series "The Jesus Fatwah: Love Your Muslim Neighbor"? Well, thanks to Carol Custodio, participants of the Lunch & Learn committee were able to see this incredibly...
View ArticleInner Peace: It's not easy to keep peaceful in a political season
Politics! You’ve probably noticed lately that during this presidential election season we are cheering or jeering one candidate or the other. We choose sides and it may seem ridiculous but it looks...
View ArticleInner Peace: My core philosophy? I don't know
“There is no hole in the bottom of the universe out of which you can fall.” I am alive. Someday I will be dead. I am not going to speculate on what happens after I die. I don’t know.If there is a life...
View ArticleInner Peace: Trying to figure everything out? Surrender!
In growing up in our wonderful Western world, we are taught that when we have a problem or challenge to try and figure out a solution and take action to remedy the situation. Our society is built on...
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